


Professional Development

The school places a high value on the professional development of its teaching and non-teaching staff. To support their ongoing growth and development, the school provides a range of resources, including access to workshops, conferences, and seminars. This help to ensure that the school's staff remain up-to-date with the latest developments in their respective fields and are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in their roles, providing high-quality education to the students.

ATLC Workshops

ATLC Workshops

The ATLC workshop offers a comprehensive range of development activities each year that are tailored to different categories of teaching staff. The workshops are geared towards promoting effective teaching practices and enhancing the quality of education in the university setting.

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Teaching Excellence Award

The e- Learning Practicum Scheme

The e- Learning Practicum Scheme aim at using uReply or Crio to facilitate classroom interaction The scheme is aimed at enhancing the quality of education, improving classroom interaction and students active learning via promoting the effective use of a well-established student response system. More than 10 departments were involved in this scheme in 2021/2022.

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Other professional development courses, conferences, and seminars

Other professional development courses, conferences, and seminars

The school recognizes the importance of ongoing professional development for its teaching staff and encourages them to take advantage of such opportunities. In addition to its own professional development program, the school also encourages teaching staff to participate in other relevant courses, conferences, and seminars. These activities provide opportunities for teachers to further enhance their teaching skills and knowledge, and to stay abreast of the latest trends and practices in the field.

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