Vision and Mission

Our Vision

The Teaching and Learning Development Office (TLDO) is dedicated to becoming the driving force behind teaching excellence at Hong Kong Shue Yan University. To achieve this goal, we serve as a catalyst for innovation and collaboration.

We actively support faculty members in exploring and implementing educational technology tools and strategies that align with their pedagogical goals. Through workshops, training sessions, and one-on-one consultations, we provide comprehensive guidance and resources to ensure that educators are equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to effectively utilize educational technology in their teaching practice. We also aim to cultivate evidence-based approaches that amplify student learning outcomes, foster critical thinking, and ignite a lifelong love for learning. Through close collaboration with faculty, staff, and students from diverse academic backgrounds, we aspire to foster an inclusive community that thrives on interdisciplinary learning.

Overall, we envision ourselves as a dynamic hub, at the forefront of interdisciplinary, technology-enhanced, and research-informed teaching and learning development. Our ultimate goal is to creating an environment where teaching excellence flourishes, and students embark on transformative learning journeys.

Our Mission

Support the University's mission to ensure high-quality teaching and learning by providing comprehensive support and resources.

Foster a culture of excellence in teaching and learning, maximizing the potential of both educators and students.

Create opportunities for academics to engage in reflective practices, share experiences, and collaborate on pedagogical innovations.

Promote professional development initiatives that empower educators to enhance their teaching skills, stay updated with the latest educational practices, and embrace continuous improvement.

Facilitate the effective integration of educational technology into teaching and learning, empowering educators to leverage technology tools and strategies to create engaging and innovative learning experiences.

Support SYU teaching and Learning Development

Technology-enhanced: Synergizing old and new

Technology-enhanced: Synergizing old and new

TLDO strives to explore the potential of advanced educational technology such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), artificial intelligence (AI), and student response system (SRS) to deepen learning in online, blended, and face-to-face classes.

Research-informed: Synergizing research and teaching

Research-informed: Synergizing research and teaching

It is believed that Research-based teaching can stimulate students’ intellectual curiosity, and engage them critically in their subject.

Learning analytic data and pedagogical research will also be used to guide the adoption and development of new pedagogical approaches across the university.

Interdisciplinary education: Synergizing the insights of different disciplines

Interdisciplinary education: Synergizing the insights of different disciplines

Interdisciplinary education is promoted so that students are trained to use and integrate methods and theoretical frameworks from multiple disciplines to examine a specific issue.

Active and open learning environment

Active and open learning environment

By wisely designing teaching and learning activities, assessment methods, instructional strategies, and media, we strive to create a learning environment that involves students as active learners who are able to create their own learning journey with the guidance of instructors instead of receiving knowledge passively.

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